2016 – Present Day : Land Trust Management

Wellesley Woodlands lie at the heart of Wellesley, a new housing development on the site of part of the former Army Garrison in Aldershot. The development will comprise 3,850 new homes, as well as the restoration of six listed buildings, two new primary schools, a neighbourhood centre with local shops, play areas, day care facilities, allotments and a recycling centre.


The woodlands are a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG), providing an enjoyable natural environment for recreation as an alternative to the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA). The SPA is designated for its ability to provide a habitat for the internationally important bird species of woodlark, nightjar and Dartford warbler. Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership (BVCP) has been appointed by the Land Trust to manage Wellesley Woodlands on a daily basis.